Networking As™ Wellness
by Megan Burke Roudebush

At keepwith, we see the interplay between networking and wellness arise in two contexts. First, research has shown that when we spend dedicated time building and maintaining our most important relationships, we experience health benefits. Second, there are parallels between results realized from dedication to regular and meaningful exercise and healthy eating habits, and results realized from dedication to regular and meaningful networking activities (i.e., time spent nurturing the health of our most important relationships). At keepwith, the connection between networking and wellness is clear. That is why we are thrilled to include wellness as the topic of our inaugural Networking As article and to feature companies who experience the link between networking and wellness every day.
Networking As™ Wellness
by Megan Burke Roudebush

At keepwith, we see the interplay between networking and wellness arise in two contexts. First, research has shown that when we spend dedicated time building and maintaining our most important relationships, we experience health benefits. Second, there are parallels between results realized from dedication to regular and meaningful exercise and healthy eating habits, and results realized from dedication to regular and meaningful networking activities (i.e., time spent nurturing the health of our most important relationships). At keepwith, the connection between networking and wellness is clear. That is why we are thrilled to include wellness as the topic of our inaugural Networking As article and to feature companies who experience the link between networking and wellness every day.
Get enough sleep. Eat right. Exercise. Unplug. Be mindful. Be grateful. Find balance. Take vacations. Relax. These are the recurring instructions that appear in the articles through which we all scroll when spending too much time on our mobile devices. What is missing from this discussion is how important it is to focus on the company that we keep – our personal and professional networking relationships – and how critical it is for us to spend time and energy cultivating and maintaining the relationships that matter. What is really powerful is when people connect with one another in a meaningful way while working on their wellness.

Lis Settimi & Catherine James
The Bar Method
keepwith recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Lis Settimi and Catherine James, co-owners of the Chicagoland franchise of the bar method, a nationwide barrebased fitness studio whose clients build community, are fiercely loyal to the brand and who come to the bar method to be the best version of themselves.
How do you define networking?
Lis: Networking is connecting with others outside of your regular friends and colleague circles, for mutual benefit.
Catherine: Networking is building connections for any reason, whether personal, professional or spiritual.
Both owners said that their networking activities are driven by specific needs and goals. “I definitely network more when I have a specific objective,” Lis explained.
The networking/wellness link
Lis: Networking can help promote and support wellness. In our studios, we see where members, by connecting with one another, are supported emotionally…are inspired…are energized.
Catherine: The DNA of our business is that we facilitate everyone becoming the best version of themselves and you can’t help but bond when you do that. We hear from clients all the time that their posture is better, they feel more confident standing up, they are stronger. This has a huge impact on people’s confidence.

How networking helps the business
Lis: At the start, we used our networks to support our business. Then it became our clients’ networks building our business. I used to think about having new clients as having yeast bloom…we would get a new client and then a bloom all around the person as members of their network joined.
As we reimagine wellness to include deliberate networking activities, here are three things to consider:
1. Focus on the quality, not the quantity of the networking relationships you start and maintain.
2. Schedule regular time on your calendar for networking activities, just as you schedule workouts.
3. Spend your time and energy on positive, constructive and supportive relationships and step aside from relationships that do not fuel your overall well-being.
Come meet Lis and Catherine on 2/26 @ 6pm-8:30pm at the bar method @ 180 N. Wacker Dr. Ste 200 for a special evening of Networking As Wellness. See Page 4 for details. RSVP to [email protected]. Space is limited.
Lis and Catherine are graciously offering Networking As Wellness readers a promotion: go to, find the Chicago locations, and enter promo code KEEPWITH for $10 off a single class (regularly $30) or the special new client package of three classes (regularly $38).
At keepwith, networking is (of course) our favorite thing. Personally, as keepwith’s founder, wellness is the most important thing to me. Critical to both networking and being able to get up for 5am spin class (to support my wellness) is my third favorite thing: coffee. This is why keepwith was thrilled to meet Jacquelyn and Ryan, co-owners of Pilates + Coffee (P+C) and to talk to Jacquelyn about how P+C, a pilates studio and coffee shop, brings people together to promote networking and wellness. When we learned about P+C, it was obvious why we needed to feature it in this piece.

Jacquelyn & Ryan Brennan
Pilates + Coffee
P+C is a unique neighborhood space in the heart of Roscoe Village, in Chicago, celebrating pilates, coffee and community. With an impressive track record in the fitness industry, Jacquelyn is a pilates instructor, a Fletcher Pilates teacher and as of October 2017, co-owner of P+C. Her husband Ryan is a marketing expert and trained barista. They are parents of 19 month old William.
How do you define networking?
Jacquelyn: Networking in fitness, is when you go to someone’s class and afterwards, you talk to the instructor and make a connection. Giving them respect and acknowledging them as a professional.
I find social media, especially Instagram, useful to discover and learn about other wellness professionals. While you can always reach out directly on these platforms to network, I recommend going to experience an individual’s class first to start communication.
We hear a lot about wellness…what is it?
Jacquelyn: The most important piece of wellness is the self-care aspect and doing things that you enjoy. People sign up for cleanses in January…and they don’t enjoy it… there is no longevity. Wellness has to lead to longevity. There are several pieces that make up good health: selfcare, nutrition, mental health, social wellness…People need to like what they do so they commit.

Networking/wellness link (aka social wellness)
Jacquelyn: When it comes to social wellness, the world can be a lonely place; today’s society is dominated by technology and we’ve lost the connection formed by face-to-face interactions. That is what people miss nowadays. Engaging in real, authentic conversation is powerful and can have a positive impact on relationships.
With today’s busy schedules and lives that are “always on,” here are some tips for making networking (aka meaningful relationship building) part of your wellness routines:
1. Invite a friend to attend an exercise class with you, instead of going to coffee, drinks or out to eat.
2. Make your next meeting a walking meeting and stroll with a colleague instead of sitting in a conference room.
3. Make an effort to schedule workout classes that you enjoy and to engage with the other people in your classes. Reap the benefits of a common interest and the bond of having accomplished the class together.
Come meet Jacquelyn and Ryan on 2/28 @ 6:45pm-9pm at P+C @ 2144 West Roscoe Street for a special evening of
Networking as Wellness. See Page 4 for details. RSVP to [email protected]. Space is limited.
Just as any successful exercise regimen or healthy eating lifestyle requires daily dedication and repeated habits, the true power of experiencing how your network supports your wellness comes from continually working on it. We all must dedicate the time necessary for establishing, maintaining and improving our network relationships. Ultimately, your network is the group of people whose company you have chosen to keep…the hand selected board of personal advisors who have your back and whose back you have in return. Given the critical role that our networks play in our lives, keeping up with the people whose relationships matter most to you, in a truly authentic and reciprocal way, positively contributes to our overall health and wellness.
Networking As™
Networking As™ is a recurring series of articles, blog posts and videos highlighting how networking is integral to a particular topic (for example, Networking As™ Wellness). Networking As™ publications may be accompanied by real-life networking events. Future issues will include Networking As™ Mentorship, Networking As™ Business Development, Networking As™ Parenting. Networking As™ Meatballs and Networking As™ Global Assignment, among others.
Have an idea for a future Networking As publication? E-mail [email protected]
At keepwith, we see the interplay between networking and wellness arise in two contexts: (i) when we spend time on our relationships, we experience positive health benefits; and (ii) results from dedication to regular and meaningful exercise and healthy eating habits mirror results from dedication to regular and meaningful networking activities.
Many people renew their focus on wellness at this time of year, so we chose wellness for our inaugural issue.
We are a company that teaches people how to network well. We provide tailored advice and education that empowers people to form relationships that matter. Said more simply: we teach networking.
Founder Megan Burke Roudebush values authentic relationship building above all else. From New York City and now based outside Chicago, she enjoys volunteering, mentoring and most of all, networking well.

Megan Burke Roudebush
We are a company that teaches people how to network well. We provide tailored advice and education that empowers people to form relationships that matter. Said more simply: we teach networking.
Founder Megan Burke Roudebush values authentic relationship building above all else. From New York City and now based outside Chicago, she enjoys volunteering, mentoring and most of all, networking well.

Megan Burke Roudebush
We are a company that teaches people how to network well. We provide tailored advice and education that empowers people to form relationships that matter. Said more simply: we teach networking.
Founder Megan Burke Roudebush values authentic relationship building above all else. From New York City and now based outside Chicago, she enjoys volunteering, mentoring and most of all, networking well.

Megan Burke Roudebush
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Know an organization or team who would benefit from networking education and advice?
Please contact Megan Roudebush ([email protected]) to schedule a brainstorming call to figure out how we can help.