Networking As™ Wellness II
by Megan Burke Roudebush

At keepwith, we see the interplay between networking and wellness arise in two contexts. First, research has shown that when we spend dedicated time building and maintaining our most important relationships, we experience health benefits. Second, there are parallels between results realized from dedication to regular and meaningful exercise and healthy eating habits, and results realized from dedication to regular and meaningful networking activities (i.e., time spent nurturing the health of our most important relationships). At keepwith, the connection between networking and wellness is clear. That is why we are thrilled to continue our discussion of Networking As™ Wellness and to feature another company that experiences the link between networking and wellness every day.
Networking As™ Wellness II
by Megan Burke Roudebush

At keepwith, we see the interplay between networking and wellness arise in two contexts. First, research has shown that when we spend dedicated time building and maintaining our most important relationships, we experience health benefits. Second, there are parallels between results realized from dedication to regular and meaningful exercise and healthy eating habits, and results realized from dedication to regular and meaningful networking activities (i.e., time spent nurturing the health of our most important relationships). At keepwith, the connection between networking and wellness is clear. That is why we are thrilled to continue our discussion of Networking As™ Wellness and to feature another company that experiences the link between networking and wellness every day.
Part of keepwith’s thinking behind the Networking As™ Wellness topic stems from the belief that your network is something you need to develop consistently over time; just as your muscles and fitness level are things you need to develop consistently over time. Letting your network go, so to speak, is the equivalent of letting your muscle tone deteriorate. Therefore, it is important to cultivate, develop and pay it forward to your network continually with the same diligence and dedication that you spend on regular exercise. Bonus: when we are consistent with our workouts in a group fitness setting, we end up meeting new people and establishing new networking relationships, just by saying hello to the person next to us on the spin bike, or standing next to us in the strength room.

Amy Winter
Inspyr Studio
keepwith recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Amy Winter, Anthony Campo and Kelly Schnell at Inspyr Studios in Arlington Heights, IL. You do not have to look too far to realize why keepwith featured Inspyr in this issue of Networking As™. The studio’s website says “our class-based fitness programs and elite team of coaches help you build a fit body, balanced mind and stronger community.
How do you define networking?
AW: Networking is word of mouth… when you have a good reputation in the wellness world, people are going to want to come. A lot of the networking is caring and remembering we are here to help people. Once we do that, people will talk and tell other people. A big thing about Inspyr is that we are not hard core sales people…we have not had to be….We hope the studio and the experience sells itself.
KS: I would say connecting with someone and having a conversation and listening to them and not just creating a relationship with mutual respect, but one with a good energy—to fuel and feed off of one another to create prosperity in the relationship you are building and making that connection.
AC: Networking is really building everlasting relationships with people…it doesn’t have to just do with business…when you break down networking…it comes down to building that genuine relationship in which you truly care about not what you do but the people that you work with. Networking also requires compassion. I don’t think you can build a relationship without compassion…

…when you don’t show compassion or empathy….it comes off as “what you can do for me?” not “what can we do for each other?” It is honestly more of a natural thing than anything else. Some of the best networking comes from “hey I like your shoes.” When it happens naturally and organically, that is best, because it is authentic and genuine.
As we reimagine wellness to include deliberate networking activities, here are three things to consider:
1. Have an open mind about what activities constitute networking opportunities. Group fitness is a great way to network.
2. Consider asking a friend to be your workout text accountability body. Text each other each time you are about to head to your workout and keep each other motivated.
3. Make a substantial effort to overcome the “I am too busy for the people in my life” epidemic and schedule time to get together by phone or in-person with your closest friend.
Come meet Amy and Kelly and Anthony on 4/2 @ 6:45pm-8:45pm at Inspyr Studios @ 2924 W. Euclid Ave., Arlington Heights for a special evening of Networking As Wellness. See Page 4 for details. RSVP to [email protected]. Space is limited.
This installment – Networking As™ Wellness Part II highlights the importance of thinking creatively when building and maintaining your network. At keepwith, we are constantly telling our clients that they need not be having coffee or standing in a large ballroom with a drink in their hand to be networking. Your next meaningful networking relationship may start in a spin class or in a strength class. Relationships like this are formed and continue to be nurtured every day at Inspyr.

Kelly Schnell
Inspyr Studio
We hear a lot about wellness. What is it?
AW: For me, I have lived my life trying to be well myself; that means I go to bed so I get enough sleep so I get up and motivate others. I practice what I preach. My kids exercise because they grew up with it. I watch what I eat. Wellness has to involve mental and physical health. It involves how you handle stress and anxiety…the environment in which you live…what your home life is like…what your work life is like…what you are eating.
KS: Waking up every morning, putting your two feet on the ground and saying “lets do this” and having yourself physically and mentally being ready to do this. A big part of that is taking care of yourself physically and mentally. If I wasn’t well, it would be much harder.
AC: Wellness is self-improvement; waking up every day to strive to be one percent better…whether that is in the area of fitness, or nutrition or relationship building or self-improvement….I think if you skip those areas, on a regular basis, it is difficult to be well.
Networking/wellness link
AW: Here at Inspyr, the likelihood of you staying with the program of exercise is so much higher if you have a partner…..if you say you will be there, and you don’t show up….you will feel bad. I always think of it; when– if I am tired…I can still show up and celebrate that I came. In my own life, when I go out, I feel good because I represent healthy….I go to a party and people watch what I eat. I am able to set the wellness example within all of the pockets of my network.

KS: For me, generally, I am one who likes to make others happy and that is what makes me happy. I tend to put others before myself so when I can network with someone and create a positive outcome for that someone, it helps my well being. That is why I am in fitness. I believe in the fact that it makes me a better person therefore I have the opportunity to make others better.
With today’s busy schedules and lives that are “always on,” here are some tips for making networking (aka meaningful relationship building) part of your wellness routines: Inspyr has a great private Facebook group, called Inspyr Nation, on which members can post about their wellness successes.
1. Identify the people in your network who enjoy exercise, healthy eating and focusing on wellness. Engage with those people in a way that focuses on wellness (go to a healthy cooking demo together, workout together doing the other person’s favorite type of activity).
2. Challenge yourself to sit/stand in different sections of your group fitness class so that you can meet different people.
3. Post about your wellness priorities on social media. Inspyr has a great private Facebook group, called Inspyr Nation, on which members can post about their wellness successes.
Come meet Amy and Kelly and Anthony on 4/2 @ 6:45pm-8:45pm at Inspyr Studios @ 2924 W. Euclid Ave., Arlington Heights for a special evening of Networking As Wellness. See Page 4 for details. RSVP to [email protected]. Space is limited.
Part of keepwith’s thinking behind the Networking As™ Wellness topic stems from the belief that your network is something you need to develop consistently over time; just as your muscles and fitness level are things you need to develop consistently over time. Letting your network go, so to speak, is the equivalent of letting your muscle tone deteriorate. Therefore, it is important to cultivate, develop and pay it forward to your network continually with the same diligence and dedication that you spend on regular exercise. Bonus: when we are consistent with our workouts in a group fitness setting, we end up meeting new people and establishing new networking relationships, just by saying hello to the person next to us on the spin bike, or standing next to us in the strength room.

Anthony Campo
Inspyr Studio
What else readers should know
AW: People will use anything as an excuse. I had two knee replacements and I never used it as an excuse. I love to run. There are no excuses, because life is tough. You are either going to step it up or someone is going to step it higher than you. It was not easy working through the challenge of my recovery, but I did it. I celebrate my successes, small or big.
KS: Throughout our careers, Amy and I were both at the same gym…we both were there for a long time and saw people come in and do their workouts…they looked like zombies walking on a treadmill. We wanted to open a place, when you walk in you are infused with energy… where excited people wanted to be a part of it. We wanted to create something small and intimate and brought in Anthony because of his expertise in boutique style studios. We have created a community that loves to be here, in which we let everyone know they are welcome every time they come in.
AC: As a coach, being able to bring everybody together for the 45 or 60 minutes….and just close your mind away from everything else that is happening and be here in the moment. When you allow yourself to absorb what is happening…the energy, the laughter, the smiles, the sweat, the hard work…it is really hard not to understand and acknowledge the people who are doing the same thing next to you. Even though we have different goals and outcomes and are looking for different results; something really special happens when we can all come together as one and do the same thing.

With today’s busy schedules and lives that are “always on,” here are some tips for making networking (aka meaningful relationship building) part of your wellness routines:
1. Next time you are traveling for work, invite a colleague to check out a boutique fitness studio in a new city.
2. Schedule your next girls’ night out at a group fitness class, instead of dinner and drinks.
3. A bit uncomfortable talking to strangers? Next time you are taking a group fitness class, challenge yourself to ask one person one open-ended question (and then listen attentively to the answer). Bonus points if you do this more than once.
Come meet Amy and Kelly and Anthony on 4/2 @ 6:45pm-8:45pm at Inspyr Studios @ 2924 W. Euclid Ave., Arlington Heights for a special evening of Networking As Wellness. See Page 4 for details. RSVP to [email protected]. Space is limited.
Just as any successful exercise regimen or healthy eating lifestyle requires daily dedication and repeated habits, the true power of experiencing how your network supports your wellness comes from continually working on it. We all must dedicate the time necessary for establishing, maintaining and improving our network relationships. Ultimately, your network is the group of people whose company you have chosen to keep…the hand selected board of personal advisors who have your back and whose back you have in return. Given the critical role that our networks play in our lives, keeping up with the people whose relationships matter most to you, in a truly authentic and reciprocal way, positively contributes to our overall health and wellness.
Networking As™
Networking As™ is a recurring series of articles, blog posts and videos highlighting how networking is integral to a particular topic (for example, Networking As™ Wellness). Networking As™ publications may be accompanied by real-life networking events. Future issues will include Networking As™ Mentorship, Networking As™ Business Development, Networking As™ Parenting. Networking As™ Meatballs and Networking As™ Global Assignment, among others.
Have an idea for a future Networking As publication? E-mail [email protected]
At keepwith, we see the interplay between networking and wellness arise in two contexts: (i) when we spend time on our relationships, we experience positive health benefits; and (ii) results from dedication to regular and meaningful exercise and healthy eating habits mirror results from dedication to regular and meaningful networking activities.
We are a company that teaches people how to network well. We provide tailored advice and education that empowers people to form relationships that matter. Said more simply: we teach networking.
Founder Megan Burke Roudebush values authentic relationship building above all else. From New York City and now based outside Chicago, she enjoys volunteering, mentoring and most of all, networking well.

Megan Burke Roudebush
We are a company that teaches people how to network well. We provide tailored advice and education that empowers people to form relationships that matter. Said more simply: we teach networking.
Founder Megan Burke Roudebush values authentic relationship building above all else. From New York City and now based outside Chicago, she enjoys volunteering, mentoring and most of all, networking well.

Megan Burke Roudebush
We are a company that teaches people how to network well. We provide tailored advice and education that empowers people to form relationships that matter. Said more simply: we teach networking.
Founder Megan Burke Roudebush values authentic relationship building above all else. From New York City and now based outside Chicago, she enjoys volunteering, mentoring and most of all, networking well.

Megan Burke Roudebush
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Know an organization or team who would benefit from networking education and advice?
Please contact Megan Roudebush ([email protected]) to schedule a brainstorming call to figure out how we can help.